
Micha Weber (Protonet Support) 19.01.2015 - 16:36

Desk top notifications


I have set the desk top notifications to alert me to updates on protonet, but I do not receive any notification other than in my browser. I do not always have the browser open, so I have to keep checking back for activity. Is there a way to receive notifications to the desk top icon in the bottom right hand corner of my screen?

Thank you,


Last modified: 29.01.2016 - 15:24

One answer

micha 19.01.2015 - 18:04

Hi Lisa,

using the desktop notification indeed only works, while you are logged in to SOUL within your browser.

For getting notifications while you are offline, we suggest you use the @-notifications within your organization. If you want to mark someone in special, simply start typing @ follwed by his first name and last name. This person then appears in bold within the chat and if s/he is offline will be notified via email. Private messages lead to emails too, while you are offline.

Also after logging in, have a look at your notification stream. This can be opened on the upper left by clicking on your user icon. Then on the left you get a great overview about everything that has happened during your absence (of course for each group or object you can decide, if you want to get notifications for this).

Please don’t hesitate getting back to us, if there is any question left.

Regards Micha