

SOUL 2.24 – STABLE/108


Soul 2.24 –  Unteraufgaben Stable/108 – 07.02.2018

Prerequisite for this update is an active SOUL+ contract and a Protonet server with SOUL version stable /xxx. You will see the version after logging into your SOUL on the help page. 


By the selection of the new functionalities, we closely followed the wishes of our customers, that were posted on our Feature Wishlist tool on.

New: Checklists for further subdivision on tasks

Within the scope of tasks, we have also achieved the possibility to create a checklist to divide each task into further sub-points. Just as with the regular tasks, these can be checked off and subsequently viewed. As soon as an entry in the checklist is created or marked as completed, it is automatically posted in the message stream of the task.

Our user “LP-Martin” has wonderfully described the benefits of this function in his feature request:

“Complex tasks often take a long time, so many project management methods recommend subdividing them into small steps, while also helping to ensure quality by avoiding misunderstandings.”

Thanks for your great feedback, Martin!

We used this new feature during the development and testing of this update and can confirm that we had a better overview of the progress of the respective tasks without much getting-used-to. Tracking individual steps in within a task, simplifies communication and contributes to Clarity among the team.

Please note that the checklist entries are not yet customizable. If you move the mouse over the entry, it can be deleted at the end of the line simply over the three points. We will continue to optimize the functionality in the next updates.

New: message stream design for easier file and link tracking.

New tabbed design in streams, allows for easier access to the chat, attached files and as of now links. Links allow you to easily find a posted link or just browse through all old links that have been posted by your colleagues. Options have been moved to a new wheel setup freeing up space for better navigation. This new tabbed layout will be used in future releases for extensions (think time-tracking) and connecting other objects to tasks (think connecting notes, topics or file shares to specific objects)

New: Sort the order of task lists

The new release allows administrators and group owners to easily reorder tasklists and thus prioritize what should be on top

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