
John_av 20.03.2018 - 17:56

Note is blocked for editing

Sorry, my written Deutch is not very well so this is in English. But please answer in German if you can answer this:

We have one user who is offline (holiday) but one of their notes is blocked for editing with this message:

„<user> is editing this note currently. Send Message

How can we unlock it and make it available for editing for other members of the group?

One answer

Der größenwahnsinnige Grinsekasper 23.08.2018 - 10:21

Der User wird zwar inzwischen längst aus dem Urlaub zurückgekehrt sein, aber schon echt traurig, dass es in mehr als 5 Monaten niemand vom Support geschafft hat, hier mal zu antworten…