

SOUL 2.18 & SOUL 2.18.2


Soul 2.18.2 – Important fix for anti-virus scan (stable/97) – 25.10.2016

Please update your server before saturday, October, 29th

  • The weekly virus scan cannot longer lead to filling up the hard disks until the server cannot be reached any more. Details can be looked up here.
  • If you use Safari web browser on a non-German Apple system you can upload files to chats again
  • Via CalDAV und WebCAL full day events created in other timezones are not longer shown as 2 days
  • Via WebCAL certain special characters in event titles are no longer shown cryptic


Configure reminders, Office previews (stable/95, soul3/1502+1504) – 07.09.2016

Info regarding our new Carla models running version soul3/1502 :

  • CalDAV-support will be introduced in a future release
  • Beside the news and changes described here, also the news from SOUL 2.18.1 have been applied


Configure reminders

If you create an event you can also set, how often and when members shall be notified about the upcoming event.


Beta: Bi-directional calendar sync using CalDAV

SOUL users with the administrator role now can subscribe to SOUL calendars via CalDAV to read, change or create new events.

Further calenarc changes

  • The monthly view got extended by a column showing the calendar week
  • The calendar overall is loading faster now

Preview of  Office documents in SOUL

You will now find previews for any of the following Office documents in SOUL:
doc, docx, dot, dotx, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, pot, potx, xls, xlsx, xlt, xltx, rtf, odt, ods, odp, csv

Screen Shot 2016-09-19 at 14.19.09

Further changes

  • You can now edit the url of an external content widget
  • In notes the formatting toolbar is now always seen in the beginning of each note
  • For files with long file names, the extension is now seen in any chats even if the file name was shown shortened
  • Emojies: SOUL now remembers the emojies that you use often and shows them in a separate list for quick access
  • Added documentation on how developers can access WebDAV and CalDAV programmatically
  • If you upload multiple files you are now asked whether you want to override all



  • Fixed several display issues when opening a public link url on a smartphone
  • Overall improvements for displaying SOUL on smaller screens (tablet)
  • Overall speed improvements
  • Reminders aren’t sent anymore when the event or todo has been archived
  • All-day events now send a reminder based on a start time of 00:00 (creators timezone)


Changes, only related to our new Carla models running version soul3/1502


  • Email delivery can be limited to system message only,  via a command line utility  (invitations, password reset, maintenance password, update notifications):
    $ skvs_cli set soul/notifications_disabled yes



  • After self_destruct old hostname is no longer seen
  • SOUL is now also only available via Wifi if LAN is not connected
  • Deadlines of private tasks are now correctly shown in the calendar
  • IPMI configuration got corrected
  • The test-everything -script has been optimized