

SOUL 2.23 – Stable/107


Soul 2.23 – Bugfixes Stable/107- 12.12.2017

Prerequisite for this update is an active SOUL+ contract and a Protonet server with SOUL version stable /xxx. You will see the version after logging into your SOUL on the help page.


Retreading of the task list feature 

This update includes optimizations and bug fixes regarding task list management based on, among other things, your feedback on the latest SOUL 2.22 update.

The underlining code structure of the task list feature has been completely revised. As a result, the performance has been drastically improved and there are no longer any limitations on processing very high number of tasks.

Warning: After updating, some delimiters and tasks might be relocated from their originally intended position and might have to be manually adjusted!

In detail, the following improvements have been made:

  • Within your private task list area, task list that don’t fulfill your search criteria are no longer shown as empty
  • In the private task area, the corresponding group names are now visible.
  • Archived tasks no longer overcrowd the private task area or the groups, but they can still be accessed via the archive button at the bottom of the page.
  • Only active SOUL users are visible for filtered selection.
  • Editing of delimiters can be stopped by pressing the ESC key
  • While editing delimiters, the cursor is visible
  • During editing, dividing lines can no longer be moved
  • In your private tasks area, completed or archived tasks are no longer displayed
  • Only “assigned to…” , “created by me” or “deadline reached” tasks are displayed at your request – task lists that don’t fulfill the chosen filter are no longer shown, this improves load times.
  • Moving a todo accross delimiters now results in a notification.
  • The drag and drop functions have been further developed – tasks can now be easily and reliably moved across delimiters and between tasks lists.


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Known Issues that we are still working on:

  • The pie chart icon that shows the progress of the task lists is not perfectly accurate yet.

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