

Bugfixes (stable/1500) - 22.09.2016 This update is only available for new Protonet servers (Carlas), which are running SOUL on CoreOS. Please update as soon as…
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Soul 2.18.2 - Important fix for anti-virus scan (stable/97) - 25.10.2016 Please update your server before saturday, October, 29th The weekly…
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Let's Encrypt bugfix release (stable/94) - 25.08.2016 This update only needs to be applied to Protonet Servers which are available via…
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What's New? Share files directly from Files App via public links You can create an use public links in context menu.…
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We learned, that using current Microsoft Office 2016 (15.24) on Mac OS "El Capitan"* you can still open files from finder via WebDAV but…
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Recurring and colorful events (stable/93, hosted/24, stable/1499) - 11.08.2016 News  Recurring events which can be marked in different colors Starting now you…
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Bugfixes - SOUL on CoreOS (stable/1472) - 20.07.2016 This update is only available for new Protonet servers (Carlas), which are running SOUL on CoreOS and primarily contains solutions for the…
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Update: 14.07.2016 Due to issues we got reported today, we have pulled ProtoSync Update 1.3.0 and will provide a new version at…
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Kaspersky virus scan currently is blocking an important file, which is part of our Sync App on Windows. We can…
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Dear Protonet box owners, we are going to test and add a new server to our reverse proxy infrastructure to…
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